Wednesday, January 17, 2007

nothing is real

Estava na locadora e nem inspiração para locar um filme eu tinha. Que absurdo! Fechei os olhos e peguei dois filmes na prateleira de cults que quase sempre me agrada. Os escolhidos foram Grande Hotel e Whisky.

Lennon tinha inspiração. Estes dias em entrevista ao Alto Falante, vi o irmão do Hendrix dizendo que a palavra inspiration era derivada de spirit, e se existe vida depois da morte, acho mesmo que os espíritos vagam por aí, e como estamos em um mundo moderno é provável que eles tenham internet com banda larga seja lá onde estejam.

Ok, esqueça as divagações.

Mas esta dica do livro do Palandi é no mínimo divertida. Neste site você pode teclar com o querido John. Caí lá, logo que voltei de Serra Negra e tinha esquecido de escrever aqui. Olha o resultado:

You are what you are Shiraga . Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like.

Do you believe in God?
Yeah. I believe in you and me. We're all God Fabio . And man's just a shadow in the scenery.

What do you think about Paul's new album?
Why does everyone always want to know what I think? I'm not your alter-ego, man. Fabio , now that we've beaten that dead horse into plowshares, can we talk about something important?

What is important for you?
Ah, the eternal question: What is important for John Ono Lennon ? You get me into the States and I'll let you know.

Do you think Yoko was the guilt?
I doubt it very much.

Is Yoko beautiful?
I think so, but I'm not sure.

Did you love Yoko?
We went through the whole bag about marriage. Intellectually, we know some man just gave us a piece of paper after we'd already lived together a year. Some Establishment games do happen to have a basic truth, and I think marriage is one of them. For us it was a very emotional, romantic thing to do. It's intellectual snobbery to dismiss everything that comes from the Establishment, or any other quarter, is pure crap.

Do you like the Stones?
Only when they're Rolling...

That was a good answer.
I thought it was too.

I love you, man.
You're such a flatterer.

What was your favorite Beatles song?
Here, There and Everywhere is one of my favourite songs of the Beatles. That was a great one of his. I remember Paul wrote it around my swimming pool at Kenwood. So it's a fond memory.

Do you love Yoko?
I'm always John and Yoko. That never stops. We're a twenty-four-hour couple.

Yoko Ono.
I think she's very beautiful.

Do you use drugs?
I started on pills when I was fifteen, no, since I was seventeen, since I became a musician. I've always needed a drug to survive.

Are you in heaven?
There's no heaven and I'm there.

Are you sure?
I'm as sure as I can be.

Bye bye.
See you later. Czechoslovakia.

fala rapaz

eu e o fábio rogério estamos iniciando uma cmapanha para q vc escreva matérias:)

Ei, Fábio, tá difícil, eu não sei inglês, mano velho...
Voltando aos poucos pra este universo.

Sem vontade de quebrar a cabeça pra ler em inglês..

Saudade está sendo uma palavra muito repetitiva entre nós?

um beijo
deve rolar matéria da sweet cherry fury ou pra RP ou pra minha nova coluna na dynamite...

o lance delas voi uma eleição de bandas com pessoas até 21 anos e q teve votação pela net...

o jorge é classe... tem q se ligar nos pequenos detalhes do disco...

e é isso aí meu velho, escreva!! rsrrs

ah, dia 25 eu e o fabio vamos a sampa ver o Mutantes, d graça no museu do Ipiranga. tá a fim?

fabio, vi pelo email aqui no serviço q vc me deixou recado no orkut. estou sem net em casa desde sábado e sem orkut tb:) pq no serviço é proibido acessá-lo...

qq coisa me escreve no

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