Friday, March 16, 2007

vou me entorpecer bebendo vinho/eu sigo só/no meu caminho

Ninguém me ama,
ninguém me quer,
ninguém me chama
de Baudelaire.

Vou me embriagar!
Mas com o que?
Com vinho, poesia ou virtude.

One should always be drunk.
That's all that matters;
that's our one imperative need.
So as not to feel Time's
horrible burden one which breaks your
shoulders and bows you down,
you must get drunk without cease.

But with what?
With wine, poetry, or virtue
as you choose.
But get drunk.

And if, at some time, on steps of a palace,
in the green grass of a ditch,
in the bleak solitude of your room,
you are waking and the drunkenness has already abated,
ask the wind, the wave, the stars, the clock,
all that which flees,
all that which groans,
all that which rolls,
all that which sings,
all that which speaks,
ask them, what time it is;
and the wind, the wave, the stars, the birds, and the clock,
they will all reply:

"It is time to get drunk!

So that you may not be the martyred slaves of Time,
get drunk, get drunk,
and never pause for rest!
With wine, poetry, or virtue,
as you choose!"

[charles baudelaire]

E haja vinho pra levar essa vida! E Ave Baudelaire, pra trazer mais brilho a ela!
Vinho? Vc falou em vinho? hahahaha

Outro beijo virtual pra vc! Só espero não ser sempre assim.

Cara, aquele blog tava muito esquecido na minha cabeça. O Alex me deixou um recado e eu acordei.

Não vou falar nada sobre isso pq toda vez q eu falo nada acontece!

Falei d+ aqui! Agora só continuo falando pessoalmente :P

um beijo
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