Friday, April 18, 2008

the book is on the table

Abaixo segue um texto que escrevi recentemente para minha aula de Inglês. Precisava falar sobre alguns problemas da cidade, sugerir soluções e fazer um comentário final. O texto deveria ter entre 300 e 350 palavras. Hoje eu recebi a nota: 9,5. Fiquei feliz.

Background information
Limeira is expanding rapidly. There are milkshake parlours springing up everywhere you go. They’re replacing old buildings that were pulled down. The speed of this change is so fast that sometimes it’s difficult to find my way back home in this milkshake-parlour-city-centre.

People claim they’ve been let down by the autorithies when it comes to public services, but specially when it comes to leisure activity places.
Although not everyone is keen to have milkshake, some insist that ovomaltine flavour be tasted by all the citizens.

Suggested changes
People unhappy with milkshake parlours, specially vegetarian ones, propose that different parlours be built. They also say that people caught littering milkshake plastic glass be fined on the spot. It wasn’t mentioned before, but lots of complaints are being made about the garbage in the city.
On a survey held recently among young people, it was suggested that new night clubs be built in Limeira. Teenagers, who are gaining weight due to the milkshake consumption, say they have to go to another city to have fun.

Comments and recommendations
I suggest a protest be made in the central square. I insist that all the local press must be invited.
Teenagers should take their Ipods to the central square and as soon there’s enough quorum, they have to start dancing as they listen to the songs played on their mp3 players. They will be their own DJs. A silent disco will be made with people and their headphones. When asked, during the media interview, they should say they just want to have fun and in a city such as Limeira all the young people urge new night clubs be opened.
In my opinion, this flash mob will definitely open entrepreneurs' eyes and it’s certainly a peaceful protest that would cause no harm. And it’s healthy, cause milkshake eaters may lose some weight while dancing in the silent disco. However, I recommend that everybody be home before the police arrive, just in case they decide to cause trouble.

Ter este limite de palavras é algo bem interessante para se trabalhar. Hoje, por exemplo, nossa aula começou com um vídeo de um guri que descreve sua vida hoje em seis palavras. Olha aqui. Uma sentença com seis palavras que descreva sua vida neste momento. O guri diz: "A rollercoaster ride of unbelievable events." E em uma busca aqui, encontro este livro, com uma compilação de sentenças de seis palavras descrevendo a vida das pessoas.
Tudo começou nos anos 20, quando Ernest Hemingway apostou 10 dólares que poderia escrever uma história completa com seis palavras. Ele escreveu: 'For Sale: baby shoes, never worn'. Hemingway ganhou a aposta. Life in six words.
Eu ainda estou pensando em algo melhor do que fiz na aula, mas que tal você mandar aí o que é a sua vida hoje em seis palavras?

tentar manter a sanidade diariamente, só.
O Sacramento é Rato, Shiraga!
antes que eu me esqueça: esqueci.

(tá aí, seis palavras)
antes que eu me esqueça: que honra, caro palandi! ;-)

capucho, ouça The Year Of The Rat.

karina querida, pior seria se pior fosse.
OK, quero parar agora e recomeçar.
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